$pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
// set header fields of invoice. These fields basically will be shown before the
// items table. Rest fields will be shown after the items table
$headerFields = array("order_number", "order_date","company_id","client_id", "order_due_date");
// This will add the print invoice pdf button. Please note that you need to
// buy xinvoice script to use this operation.
$text = '';
$pdocrud->enqueueBtnActions("printpdf", "javascript:;", "printpdf", $text);
// This is the sql that will be used to create the invoice pdf. You can learn
// more about the how to create this sql here
// http://xinvoice.biz/demo/pages/database-invoice-creation
$sql = "SELECT ot.order_number as invoice__no, ot.order_date as invoice__date, ot.order_due_date as invoice__due_date, ot.shipping as total__shipping, ot.tax as total__tax,ot.discount as total__discount, ot.order_total as total_grandtotal, ot.payment_method as payment__method1, co.company_name as from__name,co.address1 as from__address1, co.address2 as from_address2, co.city as from__city, co.country as from__country, co.state as from__state,co.email as from__email, cl.client_name as to__name, cl.address1 as to__address1, cl.address2 as to__address2, cl.city as to__city, cl.state as to__state, cl.country as to_country, cl.email as to__email, oi.item_name as item__name, oi.item_desc as item__desc, oi.item_qty as item__qty, oi.item_qty as item__qty, oi.item_rate as item__rate, oi.item_total as item__total FROM x_ordertable as ot INNER JOIN x_order_items as oi on ot.order_id = oi.order_id INNER JOIN x_company as co on ot.company_id = co.company_id INNER JOIN x_clients as cl on ot.client_id = cl.client_id where ot.order_id = {order_id}";
//set invoice complete data
// set javascript based calculations to dynamically calculation fields totals
$pdocrud->setJsActions("order_total", "{order_sub_total} + {tax} + {shipping} - {discount}","change");
// this is also dynamic calculation, You need to set the column
$pdocrud->setLeftJoinJsActions("col5", "col3 * col4","change", array("col3"=>"input",
"col4" => "input"));
// below functions are not required for invoice generation, you know these functions
// already. Since we are using company table and client table, we can easily manage
// this using our related table function.
$pdocrud->relatedData('company_id','x_company','company_id',array("company_name","address1", "city" ,"state", "country"));
$pdocrud->relatedData('client_id','x_clients','client_id',array("client_name","address1", "city" ,"state", "country"));
// Order table and order items table needs to be joined.
$pdocrud->joinTable("x_order_items", "x_order_items.order_id = x_ordertable.order_id", "LEFT JOIN");
// lets convert the item table to dropdown and get the data from products table.
$pdocrud->fieldTypes("item_name", "select");
$pdocrud->fieldDataBinding("item_name", "x_products", "product_id", array("product_name"), "db", "-", array(), array("product_name"));
echo $pdocrud->dbTable("x_ordertable")->render();